Meet Saiuj Bhat - Resident Medical Officer

Meet Saiuj Bhat - a Royal Perth Bentley Group Resident Medical Officer who is living the EMHS values of excellence and collaboration every day!
Recently Saiuj led Royal Perth Bentley Group's (RPBG) participation in a global surgical research project called COVIDSurg-3.
The project collected perioperative patient data focused on two main areas: the impact of COVID-19 at a hospital level and an individual patient outcome level.
“Currently, we don’t have a lot of large-scale data for perioperative patients, specifically in regard to COVID.”
“We want to know if they are at an increased risk”.
“Once this data is collated, it will be used to guide and inform perioperative guidelines and process during the next wave of the pandemic, or in future pandemics,” Saiuj said.
Saiuj is passionate about the benefits of this kind of global collaborative research and hopes to raise awareness among junior and senior doctors across RPBG.
Surgical Stepdown Resident Medical Officer Bentley Health Services and one of three COVIDSurg-3 National project coordinators Dr Kyle Raubenheimer applauds Saiuj for his efforts.
“This is the collaborative form of research I am hoping to get more surgically-inclined junior medical officers, registrars and consultants aware of for future projects,” he said.
“My hope is that one day RPBG could be a bastion for collaborative research within WA, and nationally.”
Thank you Saiuj and Kyle for your passion and commitment to ensuring we are continuously improving the services we provide our community.